Saturday, April 30, 2011

ive found that probably the cheapest land in the world is in brazil's cerrado region with $500 per acre. this is frontier country and the government is selling it cheap to encourage agriculture. one day i might settle down there. saving up money for a short time would give me more than enough to buy a sizable amount of propierty and i could have my own person farm like i've always wanted in open unspoiled county where i will have all the peace and solitude i could ever want. i could engage in all the projects that i dream about. i'd loving to play around with breeding cattle. there are several beautiful breeds out there that i would love to collect and selectively interbreed to get cattle with an interesting combination of traits. with several acres of land i could have several small herds and i could selectively cross different breeds for more aesthitically pleasing cattle.

now this is an absolutely beautiful brahma bull from india. look how massive and beastly this animal is. look how well muscled and proportioned he is. the hump is massive the dewlap is long and frilled. this is a powerful and regal animal. i could probably find brahmas in brazil, zebu cattle are common there. i wonder if i could have animals like this imported to my farm in brazil. that is a big damn bull, but not neccessarily a block like beef cube in some of the overbred cattle. i think its a beautiful animal and i would like breed brahmas to look like that.

heres a link to another massive and very impressive brahma bull in america. i love the horns on this bull, you normally dont see horns that big on a brahma i would like to have stock like him in my cattle herd but i'd like to improve the color and surface texture of the horns. it'd be nice if they were clean and shiny looking with deep black tips like some other cattle breeds. i love the coat color. i really like speckled cattle, a trait i would definitely like to breed for and increase in attractiveness if i can. i've got to say i'm impressed with the bone structure of the head, its massive and it has a lot of character, ths looks like a powerful self possessed animal almost wild in that it looks like domestication hasn't weakened the power and nobility of the animal at all.

heres a brazilian brahma. these are very lean graceful boned animals not like to bulls mentioned above at all. i found this body type interesting also. they look elegant with the pure whiteness and the long graceful legs and necks. i'd like to breed these cattle to increase these features. it may be interesting the cross the large heavy brahmas with the lean slender ones. i wonder if i could breed the females to only take the lean graceful from and the males all big and beasty.

i definetly want to add long horn cattle to my breeding stock. these cattle often have beautiful speckled and brindled coats and long gracefully cruved shiny horns. i'd like to have a small herd of them that have bred to show these features to the best effect. i'd breed the most speckled the most gracefully curved horned cattle i could. this one has long nicely curved horns and a beautifully speckled coat but i dont like the how low set the horns are, this cull should be bred with a cow that will raise the angle of the horns just a little.

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